What is Cloud Computing anyways? (by Larry Ellison, CEO, Oracle)

Well, this may not be the best video explaining the concept of cloud computing but definitely this will make few things clear about the myth of innovation about it. And of course, listening to Larry Ellison is always a nice experience, the way he speaks- conviction and confidence. Enjoy the link! 🙂 -AG

Hellfire, Morality and Strategy

Airstrikes by unmanned aerial vehicles have become a matter of serious dispute lately. The controversy focuses on the United States, which has the biggest fleet of these weapons and which employs them more frequently than any other country. On one side of this dispute are those who regard them simply as another weapon of war … Continue reading Hellfire, Morality and Strategy

Generalist Managers Make a Comeback

Many are beginning to argue that breadth, not depth, will be the key to successful 21st-century management The corporate quest of the moment is the search for the agile organization — flexible, efficient and rapidly adaptive. As companies have become flatter, more networked and less bounded, the prevailing wisdom is that increased specialization is the … Continue reading Generalist Managers Make a Comeback

Create Candor in the Workplace by Jack Welch

You get the behaviour you reward! - Jack Welch Very interesting talk with Jack Welch stressing on organisation imperatives, like Candor. The employees should know the purpose of existence and understand the vision of the company, and frequently contribute to the overall piece by coming forward. Highly recommended and very satisfying!..

The Hidden Dimension of Corporate Culture

After the tragic events of 9/11, a team of Harvard psychologists quietly “invaded” the US intelligence system. The team, led by Richard Hackman, wanted to determine what makes intelligence units effective. By surveying, interviewing, and observing hundreds of analysts across 64 different intelligence groups, the researchers ranked those units from best to worst. Then they … Continue reading The Hidden Dimension of Corporate Culture